Tuesday 14 October 2008

The most important letter of my life

Today I should write the most important letter of my life.

Not because I've started writing a blog to be another one of those wailing Screamers over the copper wires, and broadband routers.* But because today I have to write to social services.

My mother, the one, and only one out there who will always love me has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. She is 60 and was diagnosed just over two years ago. She's a short lady with dyed auburn hair and brown eyes. She also has a predilection from believing that she's a target of thieves, Muslim extremists, my father, her brother, lawyers and doctors. She has shown signs of something not being right for 20 years. That something has been seriously 'not quite right' for the past 7 years. In this blog I shall call her Apple.

My father, a large diabetic accountant with lady friends and a second hand Ferrari does not know of my mother's diagnosis. I think also, that he does not want to know. They are divorced. I shall call him Nero.

Almost 3 weeks ago my mother was assessed under the Mental Health Act. The police had requested the assessment because Apple was being a nuisance and wasting their time.
After her assessment the Community Health Team have refused to carry out any sort of follow-up investigation or offer any further service. This necessitates my writing of a strongly-worded epistle to try to end the comedic-tragic script subtitling my mother's existence. It might be ignored. Even if it isn't ignored, the it is highly probable that my mother would refuse most, if not all of what could be offered.

It seems to me to be one of the most important letters I have ever written, and because of what is at stake I have to try it. Yet it could have an effect so trivial, that it would seem as everyday as the difference between skimmed and semi-skimmed milk in your tea.

*I do however reserve full rights to emulate the painted figure in The Scream (Skrik, 1893-1910, Edvard Munch). It's a good thing you will never see me.
And just how many copper wires are out there anyway?

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